







How Outdoor Camps Empower Kids

Outdoor camps are more than just a summer escape; they’re powerful agents of growth for children. Let’s delve into how these camps empower kids: Confidence Grows with Challenges At outdoor camps, children are exposed to a variety of challenges they might...

Ways to Keep Your Kids Engaged and Active This Summer

Help Your Children Get the Most Out of Summer Summer means longer days, no school, and warmer temperatures. Parents may be tempted to stay indoors and enjoy the air conditioning. Your kids, though, are probably full of energy and want to make the most of their summer...

What Is the Proper Age for Your Child to Begin Swimming Lessons?

When Should You Start Swimming Lessons for Your Child? Teaching your child to swim at an early age helps foster fun, provides a means for exercise, and teaches water safety. According to the Red Cross, nearly 61% of all children and half of all teens lack basic swim...

Helping Your Kid Choose a Sport to Try

Sports help kids gain confidence, develop healthy habits, and learn social skills. As a parent, you might be struggling to help your child find a sport they like. A safe kids camp can be a perfect place to help your child explore sports in a supportive environment. ...

10 Best Team Sports for Kids to Play

The Best Team Sports for Kids Team sports are fun, and they have many benefits to the physical and emotional well-being of children. Team sports are a great way to stay active and healthy. According to the PCSFN Science Board, nearly 73% of adults who play sports as...

What Is Resilience and Why Is It Important for Kids?

Learning About Resilience for Kids By definition, resilience refers to somebody or something that can recover or bounce back quickly. The Resilience Curve from The Cigna Resilience Index shows that 45% of children ages 5 to 10 can be considered resilient, however, it...