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Happy Day Camp Blog

The 5 Most Popular Types of Summer Camps for Kids

As summer draws to a close, many parents are already weighing the options and beginning their hunt for the perfect summer camp experience for their children. With a plethora of options available, finding the right fit can start to feel overwhelming. To help in this...

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Philadelphia Area in the Summer: Family Friendly Guide

Are you planning a family trip to the Philadelphia area and wondering how to keep your kids entertained while you explore the vibrant city? Look no further! Chartwell's Happy Day Camp in South Jersey offers an exceptional experience for your children, allowing them to...

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Importance of Music for Childhood Development

Music has the power to act as a creative outlet allowing children to express themselves in ways that they may not be able to through words alone. More than just a fun hobby or pastime, music has scientifically been shown to play a crucial role in childhood...

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How Summer Camp Can Help Your Child Develop Independence

Can Summer Camp Help Your Child Become Independent? Did you know that research has shown childhood independence is an essential part of raising a healthy adult? Children who can function independently are often more confident, creative, and motivated. If you're...

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Choosing the Best Summer Camp for Your Child

Choosing the best summer camp for your child can be a daunting task. There are many factors to consider, such as safety, activities, location, age range, and quality of the staff. In this blog post, we will discuss these factors and provide you with tips to help you...

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